How To Make A Discord Channel Read Only?

Read this article and know how to get rid of Discord channel messages day and night!

Knowing how to make a Discord channel read only is the best choice if you’ve experienced important announcements getting lost. This usually happens when you are an admin of the channel. So once you change the privacy setting of the channel, it becomes easier for you to highlight your messages.

Below are the steps on how to make a Discord channel read only on your phone and desktop.

How To Make A Read Only Channel In Discord? (iOS and Android)

You must follow the steps mentioned to make a read only channel.

Make sure you have created a moderator/admin to send important messages on the channel before you make it read only.

  • Launch your Discord, go to the server, and select the channel.
  • Press and hold on to the channel you want read-only; go to the edit channel.

edit channel-To Make A Discord Channel Read Only

  • Tap on the permissions, go to add a role and select the @everyone option.

tap on permission-to make a discord channel read only

  • Once you do it, scroll down, and tap on the cross sign to disable the send messages option.

tap on cross sign-to make a discord channel read only

  • Along with this, make sure to disable your private and public threads to avoid any possibility of receiving messages.
  • After that, tap on the save icon. 

disable send message

How To Make Read Only Channel Discord? (Desktop)

The steps of making read only channel Discord is similar to your phone but with a different interface. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Open Discord on your desktop and select the server. 
  • Now, go to the setting gear beside the channel you want to read only.

go to the setting gear

  • Select the permission option and go to the advanced permission. 

select the permission-to make a discord channel read only

  • Under text channel permission, disable send messages option.
  • Along with this, make sure to disable your private and public threads to avoid any possibility of receiving messages.
  • Once you have done that, click on save changes. 

disable send message option

Can I Disable Discord Channel Read Only?

Yes, you can disable the Discord channel read only at any time. You just need to follow similar steps of making the channel read-only mentioned and click on the green X sign on the screen. Once you do it, users will be able to send messages again on the server.

How To Allow Admins To Send Messages In Read Only Channels? (Mobile)

You’ve learned how to create read only Discord channel. But, as we mentioned, having admin in the group is important. Here are the guidelines if you want to learn how to allow admins to send messages in the channel.

  • Open your Discord account on your phone.
  • Go to any of your servers you want to make admin for.
  • Tap the three dots icon at the top and go to the setting. 
  • Scroll down to find roles and tap on them. 
  • You must go to the + icon at the top of the screen.
  • Write the admin’s name under the role name and tap the create button. 
  • Once the role name is made, return to the server setting and tap on members.
  • Tick on the person you want to make admin and click on save. 
  • Once it is done, go to the server’s channel and tap on edit channel. 
  • Go to the channel permission, tick green on send messages, and send messages in trend. 

Knowing how to make a Discord channel read only is super easy. Besides this, if you want to know how to make your Discord server public or anything related to Discord, you can visit our website anytime!