How To Find Birthdays On Facebook?

Here is how to get your friends' birthdays on Facebook.

Do you know how to find birthdays on Facebook? Have you encountered an awkward situation regarding not knowing the birthdate of your friend? And you felt like, oh god, why? Well, you can know their birthdate quickly if you guys are friends on Facebook.

In this article, we have mentioned a guide that can help you to know almost everyone’s birthdate. All you need to do is, go to the event page on your Facebook! Also, sometimes, people hide their birthday info on their Facebook. So, in this case, you can take the help of their close friends or mutual friends to know their birthday on FB.

Now, let’s get into today’s topic, which is how to find birthdays on Facebook.

How To Do Facebook Birthday Search In 2022?

While people are making an FB account, Facebook asks for their personal information, including their birthdate. And this is why you can find their birth date under their FB profile. Now, if you are eager to know how to do Facebook birthday search, here are two ways to find out!

Steps To Find Birthdays On Facebook On Mobile

  • Open your Facebook account on your phone.
  • Search for the person you want to know the birthday about.

search for the person-steps-how to find birthdays

  • Go to the person’s profile page you want to see the birthday of.
  • Scroll down to find about info option and click on it.
  • Here, you will get a person’s birthday.

 about info-birthdays

However, what if we say you can check everyone’s birthday together on your computer screen? Yes, you heard it right! And for that, you must follow the following steps,

Steps To Find Birthdays On Facebook On Desktop

  • On your Facebook page, go to the events on the left panel.

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  • Select the birthdays option on the left panel again.birthdays-steps-how to find birthdays
  • Here, you will see the lists of upcoming birthdays with their age and birthdate!
  • Including this, you can also see whose birthday is next month and next month.

upcoming birthdays-steps-how to find birthdays on facebook

Amazing, isn’t it?

When you are friends with someone on Facebook and want to know their birthday, you can easily find out by visiting their profile page. However, what will you do if you are not friends with that person?

In this situation, you need to find that person on FB. To find them, ensure that at least you have the person’s contact number. Because whenever you have to find someone on Facebook by phone number, and you have it, the whole process becomes a child’s play!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can You Search Facebook By Birthday?

If you are wondering if can you search Facebook by birthdays, the answer is no! To search people on Facebook, you must have some extra information about that person. You can also get the birth date from the events options under the menu. There you will find all upcoming birthdays with people’s profiles.

Q2. Why Can’t I See Birthdays On Facebook?

There could be many reasons you can’t see birthdays on Facebook, like someone hid the birth, like a person hid the born date information or something. Users on FB actually do that sometimes. In this case, you can ask about their birthdate to your mutual friends; they might know!

Q3. How To Get Birthday Notifications On Facebook?

You do not have to do anything, in general, to get the birthday notification on Facebook. Whether it’s your or your friend’s birthday, Facebook will notify you are saying that, for example, It’s Charlie Puth’s birthday today. Wish him well! Also, make sure you have turned on the notification option on FB.

Q4. Can’t See Birthday Notification On Facebook App?

If you can’t see the notification, check whether you have allowed the FB notification on your phone.

  • Go to the setting page of your FB
  • Tap on the notification option and go to the birthdays.
  • Here, allow the notification if it is not allowed.

Q5. How To Look Up Birthdays On Facebook?

There are two ways to see birthdays on Facebook. The first one is to visit the page and get the birthdate from about info. And the second one is, going in the event option on your FB and finding everyone’s birthdate together on your screen.


Now you don’t have to be awkward whenever you are asked about someone’s natal day! Because you know how to find birthdays on Facebook. Before you say bye to us, let’s get a gist of the guide!

Steps to learn how to see friends birthdays on Facebook for phone.

  • Go to the person’s profile page, scroll down to find the about info option, and click on it.
  • Here, you will get a person’s birthday with other information.

Steps to learn how to see friends birthdays on Facebook for desktop.

  • Go to the events on the left panel, and tap on the birthday option on the left panel.
  • Here, you will see the lists of upcoming birthdays with their age and birthdate!

Besides all of this, if you want to search for your FB friends on Instagram and connect more with your people, here is how to find Facebook friends on Instagram in minutes!