How To Report A Fake Facebook Account?

Use these steps to report a fake Facebook profile within a couple of minutes in 2023

Billions of people use FB to stay connected with each other, and knowing how to report a fake Facebook profile is important. Because the application has many fake Facebook profiles, you’ll fill your followers list with fraudsters if you connect with them. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to report a fake Facebook profile. This blog will help you to understand the step-by-step guide to do it. 

How Do I Report A Fake Facebook Profile? (Phone)


Finding out that someone is impersonating you on Facebook can be extremely frustrating. Some impersonators are so good at what they do that the fake pages are hard to distinguish from the real ones. So every time you see a Facebook profile that is fake, follow the steps given below to report them: 

  • Open Facebook and make sure you’ve logged into your account.
  • Go to the fake profile you wish to report from your account.


  • Tap on the three little dots and choose “Report Profile.”
  • Choose “Fake account” and tap “Submit.”

Now you’ll get two options: block (Using this, you can block the fake profile) or hide all (Using this, you can hide all the posts from the fake account you reported).

Steps To Report Fake Profiles On Facebook On Desktop

Cloning other Facebook users and making a profile using their pictures is against Facebook community guidelines. Therefore you must report fake profiles on Facebook instantly after you spot such activity.

  • Login to your Facebook account using your preferred browser.
  • Go to the fake profile you wish to report.
  • Tap on the three little dots and choose to find support and report. 
  • Choose “Fake account” and tap “Submit.”

The steps to block a particular Facebook account from your phone and desktop are similar. , So now, if you’re wondering what happens after you report a fake Facebook profile, keep reading!

What Happens After You Report A Fake Facebook profile?

Here’s what essentially happens after you report a fake profile on Facebook.

  • The FB authorities will review it and take action if it violates the site’s terms of service.
  • This could mean deleting the account, banning the user from the site, or other measures.
  • It can take up to 15 days for Facebook authorities to delete a fake account.

Also, FYI, there is no set number of reports that can close a fake account on Facebook—however, the more reports, the better chance it will be closed. You can try these things to take down a fake Facebook profile.

How Do You Find Out Who Reported You On FB?

You can find out who reported your Facebook account by going to the “Security and Login” section in your account settings. You will see a list of recent logins you have made, and if someone has reported your account, they will be listed here.

How To Report A Fake FB Page?

If you want to report a fake Facebook page, you must use similar steps as mentioned for phone steps. However, you can also take help from the Facebook help center. First, you have to search and report an imposter page of a public figure on the browser, then open the link and follow the given instruction on the screen.

Whenever you come across a fake Facebook profile, you have to refer to our guide on how to report a fake Facebook profile. Social media apps have many fake profiles, and you immediately report them whenever you notice one. But also, ensure you secure your account before you do that, and beware of people stalking your accounts on Facebook, Instagram, or even Snapchat.