How To Recover FB hacked Account In 2024?

Here is everything you need to know to recover your account and make it safe again.

Are you facing the ‘how to recover FB hacked account’ question? If your Facebook account is hacked, it can be a serious issue. In such cases, you should first know how to recover hacked Facebook account. While this me happen to anyone, therefore, we have a guide that can help you recover your hacked Facebook account.

So before we begin, let’s see some important tips that can help you in FB hacked account recovery:

  1. Facebook compromised account report page.
  2. Recover hacked Facebook account with email.
  3.  Report to Cybercrime department.

Now the essential tips are covered, let’s see how to recover FB hacked account and the safety tips you should practice that can help you keep your account safe from hackers.

How To Recover Hacked Facebook Account?

Regardless of how your Facebook account was hacked by a hacker online, these methods work for every hacked FB account, whether you’re staying in the USA or any other part of the world. These methods can be considered standard after realizing your FB account has been compromised.

Recover Hacked FB Account With Username And Phone Number

This is the primary step when you see that you aren’t able to log in to your FB account. This step doesn’t take much time, you only need a couple of minutes to get it done, and it’s even very effective if the hacker hasn’t made a complete change to your Facebook account.

Here are the steps to recover your compromised FB account.

  • Head over to Facebook Compromised Account Report Page.
  • Select the way you got to know that your FB account was hacked.
  • Enter your username. If the username isn’t available, enter your phone number or email.
  • Now, select the option No longer have access to these.
  • Now enter an email ID on which you will receive a password reset link.
  • Now go to your email, and find the link to reset your password.
  • Reset your password and select log out of all devices.
  • Login with your new password, and that’s it!

Your hacked FB account is now recovered. Now go ahead and enable two-factor authentication to ensure extra safety of your FB account, and it won’t be hacked the next time.

The next best thing you can do is report cybercrime. If you feel there is a need to report to the cybercrime department and believe that the issue is serious, we will give you a thumbs up to do the same.

Recover Hacked Facebook Account With Email

This method works if you’ve already added an email to your Facebook account, even before it got hacked. After that, however, it’ll have been changed by the hacker but with the steps written below.

Here are the steps you can follow to recover FB hacked account.

  • If you receive an email saying your password has been changed, click on the option Please Secure Your Account.
  • You’ll be directed to reset your password, but before that, you will have to answer a few questions.
  • You need to click on Identify Photos Of Friends. This will let you identify five random friends on your account.
  • Now, you’ll see your information on the screen. Keep in mind to change the information that the hacker hampered.

You’ve recovered your account successfully and can now go back to posting and commenting from your account.

How To Recover A Hacked Facebook Account That You Can’t Access?

 Fb Account Hacked

The steps we portrayed above were for a Facebook account you can still access. If you are dealing with an FB account that you cannot access, you can head to After you enter the site, you will be prompted to enter the account’s phone number that you primarily use. After this, a FB representative will get in touch with you can help you regain access to your lost account without further delays.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Who Do I Contact After My FB Account Is Hacked?

If you think someone else who works on your account was hacked, please tell them to go to the Hacked Accounts section of the Help Center to get immediate help. You can also file a report in the cybercrime department.

Q2. What Happens If I Was Hacked On Facebook?

Changes to personal and account information: Beyond changes to the email address and password, hacked users could see changes to personal data in their account profiles. You must keep eye on your account’s username, current city, personal details, or any suspicious action.

Q3. Can I Recover My Facebook Account If It Was Hacked?

Yes, you can recover your hacked FB account. Go to It will prompt you to enter the phone number you used to open the account. Facebook will help you regain access to your account and suggest security measures for the future.

Q4. What Am I Supposed To Do When I Get Hacked On Facebook?

You must follow the steps below to realize your compromised FB account.

  1. Change your password right away, and then, if you can’t log in, request a password reset.
  2. Report any anonymous action you notice to Facebook, so they can stop it from happening to others.
  3. Turn on two-factor authentication.

Q5. How Long Does Facebook Lock Your Account After Being Hacked?

A temporary Facebook lock usually lasts for 24 to 48 hours. So you don’t need to worry much as the account will unlock as soon as you complete the instructions. After following the instruction, if you haven’t received any verification or security code, you must contact Facebook.

We have covered everything in the above guide on how to recover your FB hacked account. You do not have to worry about your Facebook account getting hacked. You can easily use these steps to recover your hacked FB account. There can be many ways you can lose control of your account. Do not share your FB personal details with a third person; never share your passwords with anyone. This can lead to the leaking of your credentials and your data.

Always do the Two-factor authentication on your FB account or any other social media platform. This can prevent the hacking of your social media accounts.

So here’s everything you need to know about how to recover FB hacked account. Do not panic, and go ahead and get your account back with the easy steps we have mentioned above. Stay safe, and keep visiting our website for more Facebook-related content.