What Are BetterDiscord Plugins And How To Install Them?

What are BetterDiscord plugins and how to install them?

Discord users are some of the most innovative people you’ll find on the internet. Else who would’ve thought a VoIP (Voice over internet protocol) could become a leading digital platform that thrives on community building and technology advancement? And when it comes to innovation, BetterDiscord Plugins are one of the first names to leave a strike.

What Do BetterDiscord Plugins Do?

What Are BetterDiscord Plugins And How To Install Them?

BetterDiscord Plugins enhance your Discord experience by a mile. So many features that do not predominantly exist on the platform, this plugin makes them available.

For example, have you ever wondered how many channels in a server are primarily hidden/privatized from general server members? Well, in one such attempt, BetterDiscord Plugins can give you a glimpse of what fails to meet your eyes.

Who Makes These BetterDiscord Plugins?

BetterDiscord plugins are the in-house creations of the BetterDiscord project. Launched in 2015, a few months after Discord came into existence, BetterDiscord is the work of an unbound group of volunteer developers led by a firmware engineer named Zack Rauen.

Zack was previously known for clearing minor bugs in the chat app and adding new features like an automated search tool. Eventually, the project took off at a speeding rate adding a large chunk of creative developers to the line. Today dozens of users submit skins and plugins to BetterDiscord.

A Plugin For Everything!

BetterDiscord plugins improve your Discord user experience. They provide you with features that would probably never make it to Discord (like “Call time counter,” “free nitro emotes,” “translator,” “better volume,” “double click to edit” among several others) Even if they will, there’s no intel on the tentative date. Whereas BetterDiscord Plugins, on the other hand, crack it all open.

A plugin we earlier talked about, Showhiddenchannels, enables you to see the private channels in a server without having the required roles. For a quick demonstration of how BetterDiscord works and the plugin, let’s look at this plugin.

How Do BetterDiscord Plugins Work? An Example!

What Are BetterDiscord Plugins And How To Install Them?


BetterDiscord is an extension to the Discord software installed on your computer.

Assuming you already have the latest version of Discord and BetterDiscord installed on your computer, click here and download the Showhiddenchannels plugin.

  • Run Discord on your computer, and go to user settings.
  • Scroll down, under BetterDiscord, and click plugins.
  • On your left, click open “plugin folder.”
  • This will open up an empty plugin folder.
  • Cut and paste the plugin you just downloaded into this plugin folder.
  • Go back to Discord, which should now reflect the prompt “Library Missing.”
  • Click download now to download the library plugin needed for ShowhHiddenChannels to run.
  • Enable the two plugins you see on the screen: BDFDB and ShowHiddenChannels.
  • Go to any Discord server of your choice. You should now be able to see that server’s otherwise hidden/private channels.

Note: you will see a lock icon next to all the private channels. This is because these channels are not for public use and have been privatised for a reason.

There are hundreds of such plugins available for BetterDiscord. You can find all of them right here.

Every BetterDiscord plugin has a genre of its own. Furthermore, not all plugins are processed the same way. Some require you to download additional files, while others are downright simple and quick to use. Try it out for yourself.

Can BetterDiscord Get You Banned?

According to BetterDiscord, Discord does not hand out bans for simply using BetterDiscord or its plugins. However, if you abuse the service in any way that violates Discord’s guidelines, Discord would be well within the right to suspend your account.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can you get banned for using BetterDiscord?

Ans.  If you are using BetterDiscord, you need to make sure that it does not violate any terms and conditions that Discord has. Discord can ban you if you break the terms of service.

Q2. Why is Discord against BetterDiscord?

Ans. BetterDiscord is a third-party extension. Discord does not allow you to use them because it has the baility to loose or hack personal information.

Q3. Can Discord track BetterDiscord?

Ans. No, Disord is a third-party app and runs entirely on its own. Discord does not have access to it. Therefore Discord cannot track if you are using BetterDiscord.

Q4. Can BetterDiscord see deleted messages?

Ans. If you want to see deleted messages on Discord, you need to use a third-party app. BetterDiscord allows you to see the deleted messages, but you will only be able to see if the app has been installed before. That means you won’t be able to see the deleted messages before that installing the app.

Q5. Is BetterDiscord safe?

Ans. Yes, BetterDiscord is safe to use. You must be careful while you install third-party themes because they might contain virus.


BetterDiscord plugins run clientside, and apparently, Discord has no clientside checks for such custom-made software. Even if they do, stay assured. Discord has never banned client moderation activities. However, using any unauthorized plugin which fraudulently utilizes server-side API calls can get your account flagged. In short, we advise you to use these plugins at your own risk. For any query regarding the plugins, refer to the hyperlinks.

Now that you know everything about BetterDiscord, here’s how you can install it.