Permanently Banned From TikTok: How To Get Unbanned?

Find out how to unban your TikTok account!

Are you permanently banned from TikTok? If you do not know how to get unbanned from TikTok, this guide is for you! In case you want to be one of the most followed influencers on TikTok; then you should refrain from using violating TikTok’s policies and community guidelines. If you want to know how to get your TikTok account unbanned, you need to know the type of ban your account is under. Also, if you know the reason behind the ban on your account, you should immediately try to get it off your account. For instance, if your video contains dangerous, challenging acts and challenges, you must take off that instantly as that might save you from getting a permanent ban on TikTok.

Let’s find out what to do if get permanently banned from TikTok.

How Many Reports To Get Banned On TikTok?

How Many Reports To Get Banned On TikTok

Suppose your video displayed any violence or illegal activities, then your audience might report your account. If your account receives more than 5 to 6 reports, then your account will get banned by TikTok. Here’s what TikTok will do to your account after receiving these reports.

How To Get Unbanned From TikTok?

Before understanding how to unbanned, you need to know the type of ban your account has. Even if you have a permanent or temporary ban, you won’t be able to post any videos; also, you will be restricted from using certain features. Also, if your account is shadowbanned, you need to wait till TikTok removes the restrictions from your profile. Or here’s how you can get your TikTok account unshadowbanned. If you feel your video is banned because of some error, you can make an appeal to TikTok, or you have to wait till TikTok removes the ban from your account. Raising an appeal is like requesting TikTok to look closely at why your video or account was banned.

There are two ways to get unbanned from TikTok:

Make An Appeal To TikTok

Follow these steps to raise your appeal:

1. Open the TikTok app on your phone and “sign in.”

2. Tap on the “hamburger icon.”

3. Scroll down to “report a problem” under support.

4. Tap on the “report icon” on the top right.

How To Get Unbanned From TikTok

5. Now tap on the “pencil icon” on the right.

6. Finally, you can write the appeal and finally tap “report.”

How long Does A TikTok Appeal Take

Write An Email To TikTok

You can contact TikTok at [email protected]. If you think there was an error, you need to explain the issue. But if you have violated TikTok’s policies, you need to write an apology.

How long Does A TikTok Appeal Take?

It usually takes 24 hours to 72 hours to answer your appeal on TikTok. In some cases, TikTokers have reported that their apple is stuck on for a month, but some say that it is responded to within a few hours. A moderator on TikTok takes nearly 48 hours to view the appeal. Your video may appear on your account once they view and accept your appeal.

TikTok Account Permanently Banned Solution

If TikTok permanently bans your account, there is no way to get it back. All you can do is create a new account. Once you make a new account, refrain from violating the terms and community guidelines.


You need to refrain from getting permanently banned from TikTok if you want to grow on TikTok. To get more views on your TikTok videos, you need to know the best time to post. Another way to increase your audience reach on TikTok is to add the right hashtags to your video.

As you know, you need to have a minimum of 1000 followers on TikTok if you want to use the live feature, but if you do not have 1000 followers, here’s how you can get TikTok live.