How To Add Highlights On Instagram Without Posting?

Want to add highlights on Instagram without posting?

If you haven’t tried using the highlights feature yet and are just getting into it the feature might look overwhelming to you. You don’t want to add a bunch of stories together but you want to add highlights to your profile. So how to add highlights on Instagram without posting?

Brands have started using highlights to showcase their products and services, answer FAQs, and just give a glimpse to new users who come to their Instagram profiles. Even you can use the highlights section to sort your stories content out in a neat manner. You can add memories from trips, and you can add about your adventures. If you’re trying to build a certain type of audience you can also make a highlight with all the one type of content.

Now let’s see how to add to highlights without adding to the story:

How To Add Highlights On Instagram Without Posting?

If you’re adding things to your highlights and every highlight goes on your story it’ll get annoying for your followers. instagram-highlightsEspecially if you have a lot of stories to add to your highlights and you have not posted these stories before. You are able to add cover without it going to your story but what about highlight?

So follow these steps to add IG highlights without adding stories:

  1. Go to your Instagram settings and tap on Privacy.
  2. Then tap on ‘Private account’ if it isn’t already private.instagram-private-account
  3. Just under the Interactions tab, you’ll see Story tap on Story.
  4. Open the ‘Hide story from’ section and select everyone to block them from stories for 24 hours.instagram-hide-story
  5. Add the story you want and add to highlight.instagram-story-highlight
  6. When 24 hours are up unblock everyone from the ‘Hide story’ list.

This is a bit inconvenient but if you haven’t added a story with the post you want to add in highlights there is no way around it. They will be able to see the highlight later without being forced to watch all the stories while you were posting them.

How Many Stories Can I Add In A Instagram Highlight?

Now that you’ve learned how to add highlights on Instagram without posting let’s see how many you can add. You can add up to 100 stories in a single highlight. You can do as many highlights like this as you want. And you can add all kinds of media to a highlight. There isn’t any way you would actually add 100 stories to your highlight but in case you do then Instagram will warn you with a pop-up that you have to delete a story if you want to add another one.

How To Delete Highlights?

Deleting highlights on Instagram isn’t difficult. You might have accidentally added a story to a highlight and if you need to delete it you can easily delete a single story. Similarly, if your highlight was time-bound and now it is no longer relevant you can delete an entire highlight too.

Just follow these easy steps to delete a highlight or a story from a highlight.


So in this article, we learned how to add highlights on Instagram without posting. Adding highlights to your profile might seem overwhelming because you don’t want to add a bunch of stories all at once. So while there is no way to not add stories if you want them in highlight you can block people just from seeing your stories for a while.

Highlights can look really neat for new people who visit your profile. Especially if you’re a brand this is a great place to showcase your products and services. You can add FAQs or even reviews in the highlight section.

Highlights are very useful you just need to know how to make the best of them.

Want to add some deleted posts on highlight? You just need to retrieve your deleted posts.