How To View Private Instagram Account?

Spy a private profile on Instagram using these hacks!

Are you wondering how to see private Instagram account? You wouldn’t want to give your ex the satisfaction of knowing that you still are stalking them! If they have a public account, you will be able to keep track of their lives by seeing their posts. But if they have a private account, and you have unfollowed them already, you won’t be able to view their posts. But we have figured out some hacks that will allow you to view a private profile on IG. Here’s how you can do so:

  • Make a fake account on Instagram to view updates on a personal account on IG.
  • Use third-party sites like LikeCreeper to view private posts.
  • Ask Google search for help!

These are some tricks; let’s find out how to use them and learn more hacks to find out how to see private Instagram account.

How To See Private Instagram Account?

How To See Private Instagram Account

Here are some tricks and hacks that will help you to view a private Instagram profile:

Send a follow request to the person view private Instagram profile

As you know, you cannot view a private IG account if the person’s profile isn’t public. Therefore, you need to send a request to the person; only then will you be able to see someone’s private account. After that, all you have to do is open the person’s profile and tap on the “follow” button. Once the person accepts your follow request, you can see a private account on Instagram.

Make a fake account on Instagram

If you do not want the person to know that you are following them yet viewing their posts and updates, making a fake account to see a private IG account is the best way! Create an account with a different name, so they do not recognize you. Then you need to send a follow request if you want to view posts and stories of a private IG account.

Ask your friend to follow the person

Why not get your best friends to do the stalking work? You can ask your friend on Instagram to follow the person’s private account. They will share all the updates with you. Also, they will keep this a secret! What would be the soundest way to view a private account on Instagram?

See someone’s private Instagram account with Google search

If you can’t see someone’s private profile on Instagram, you can ask Google to do it! All you have to do is enter the person’s name in the Google search along with the word Instagram. For instance, Anasia Dmello Instagram. Once Google shows you the results, you must click on the “images” tab. Of course, you won’t get to all the pictures, but one or two images will be on the search engine.

Use third party-sites to view private Instagram account

Third parties are one of the finest ways to view personal IG accounts. We have tried using some of these sites to view private IG accounts, but sometimes they don’t work. Since Instagram is very particular and stringent about security, these apps fail to show you private accounts on IG. Some sites are only capable of showing public account info. But still if you want to try your luck and want to view private Instagram accounts without following them, here are some third-party sites that you should try if you want to see a private profile on Instagram:


view private IG account Glassagram

Glassagram is one of the best ways to view someones private Instagram. You can view an Insta account anonymously. It allows you to monitor whatever you want. You can also view stories; the person won’t know that you have been checking out their profile.


private Instagram profile LikeCreeper

This Instagram private account viewer was the kinda software you are looking out for! You do not need to sign in to view a private account on IG if you are using LikeCreeper. Instead, browse and view posts from personal accounts on IG. As the name suggests, you can also find the creeper stalking your profile!


private IG account viewer mSpy

If you are looking to view private account DMs, mSpy is meant for you! This message allows you to read text messages of a private Instagram account. Its price is very affordable and reasonable. If you have any issues, their customer care support is available 24×7.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is an Instagram private account?

Ans. If you have a private profile on Insta, only the people you approve can follow you. However, they can view your posts, stories, and videos and share your posts.

Q2. Can I view private profile on Instagram?

Ans. Instagram does not allow you to see a private profile unless you follow them. You need to send them a follow request, and only if they accept your request, you will be able to see their posts and stories. There are other ways to see a private profile on IG, like using third-party sites.

Q3. Can someone see how many times you viewed their Instagram profile?

Ans. Instagram does not allow its users to know who is viewing their profile. So if you are stalking someone, they won’t know how many times you have viewed their posts.

Q4. Is it better to have a private or public Instagram?

Ans. If you want to run your business and reach a maximum audience, you must have a public account on IG. You can also view your post analytics if you have a public account. Private accounts’ reach is only limited to their followers. Also, if you want to be a creator or have a business account on IG, we suggest you have a public IG account.

Q5. Can you look at someone’s Instagram story without them knowing?

Ans. Yes, you can use third-party sites that allow you to view stories anonymously. You can also switch off the airplane mode on your phone and then view the IG story if you do not want them to know that you have viewed their story.


In this guide, we discussed how to see a personal account on Instagram. In short, there are mainly five ways to view a private account on Instagram, including:

  • Sending a follow request to the person.
  • Creating a fake account to view a private IG account.
  • Using Google search to see a personal Instagram profile.
  • Ask your friend to follow the private IG profile and keep you in the loop.
  • Finally, using the third-party sites to view the private IG profile.

If you are going to use third-party sites to view the private account on IG, some of the sites will ask you to enter the profile URL. If you do not know where to find the link, here’s how to copy the Instagram profile link.