Read This Before You Add Your First Post On Instagram!

Everything you should cross-check before posting on Instagram for the first time

So are you recently created an account on Instagram and are excited to make your first post? Before you hit the “Post” button, read our guide that has everything you need to know about the first post on Instagram.

Instagram is a super-hit social media app amongst youngsters because it provides users with the most unique and latest features. Plus, its “Two-Factor Authentication” feature also ensures the online safety of every user. Who would deny getting online entertainment as well as safety together?
As we all know “first impression is the last impression” so you cannot be hasty while posting on IG for the first time.

Things You Should Know Before Your First Post On Instagram

Things You Should Know Before Your First Post On Instagram

You must be thinking that to post on Instagram, all you need is an Insta-worthy photo. NO! Absolutely not. There are so many things you need to cross-check before you make your first Introduction post on Instagram. Here we have listed down some major points you should definitely take a look at before posting on your Instagram for the first time.

1.  Lower Your Ideal

We all want our first impressions to be super cool but initially, you should make sure your posts are subtle enough. You have to accept that since it’s your first post, it won’t directly pop up on everyone’s explore page. So instead, keep your idealistic self aside and post something generic and minimal.

Example: You can post a cute photo of your cat or dog. There’s a possibility that you’ll gain some extra recognition because people on Instagram absolutely love cute animals. Plus, if you add the correct amount of trendy Instagram hashtags then it’ll be perfect.

2. Make It An Introduction Post

If it’s a business account on Instagram then make sure your first IG post gives people a little insight about your brand or cause.

For a business IG account, you can easily post about your brand like the logo, name, and maybe something about your services. If it’s your personal account then a cute selfie will be good enough.

The bottom line here is the first Instagram post of any business account on IG should be all about the general details of the brand or cause.

3. Write A Quirky Caption

No matter how much effort you put into clicking a photo for IG but a quirky caption is always important. If you’re posting a photo from a crazy day of your life then write your caption as per that day. If you’re posting your brand logo or name then add your USP or services in your caption. You can also make it a “call-to-action” kind of caption.

Add a catchy caption to your first post on Instagram that’ll urge users into hitting the “Follow” button.

4. Choose The Right Hashtags

Hashtags on Instagram posts and reel are like the crux of the biscuit. In essence, if you add the right hashtags in the caption of your first Instagram post then the chances of your post reaching the desired audience increases by 2x.

You can add up to 30 hashtags on one Instagram post. Add all the trending hashtags that are relevant to your niche and get more engagement on your first Instagram post.

 5. Think Ahead to Your Next Posts

This tip is especially for the business accounts on Instagram or the ones who own an Instagram shop. Once you’re going to add your first post on Instagram, you need to decide your next move beforehand. As we all know, public image is a major concern of every company and what is a better way to reach the public other than Instagram?

In a nutshell, all you have to do is plan your content strategically to keep your brand in IG’s trending list. You should also try resonating your brands with the latest Instagram trends this will increase the chances of your brand being on everyone’s explore page.

6. Write A Descriptive Bio

A strong Instagram bio sets the tone for your Instagram account. New users should get an idea about what they will get when they visit your account just by reading your bio. This is especially important for people building a brand on Instagram. Your bio can tell a lot about you even before you start posting on your Instagram. Additionally, you can also add a link in your Instagram bio that leads a user to your website.

7. Tell Them Why

This is especially important for brand pages to do. Users don’t care about products and services as much as they care about values. A brand selling dairy free icecream will be looked over in front of a brand selling a healthy lifestyle. So one of your initial Instagram posts can be about why they should choose your brand over all the other competitors’ brands. Even as an influencer, you can take time to give your audience a little insight into why you decided to become an influencer and who inspired you. Basically, give the audience a reason to like you.

8. Grab Their Attention

Instagram is a very visual platform so it makes sense that your posts include some great visuals that the user has never seen before. Keep in mind the quality of the picture or video and post great visuals to make your IG stand apart.

Now that you have reached the end of the article and you have answers to all your questions like what should my first Instagram post be? or examples about how to introduce your business on Instagram examples and whatnot.

However, if you don’t like your first post on Instagram then you always have an option to hide your post or delete it altogether. Now you can also recover your deleted posts on Instagram if you change your mind later. If you have any more doubts about any social media platforms then feel free to visit our website.