How Much Are Tiktok Gift Points Worth?

Here's how to earn money from TikTok using gift points.

You want to earn money from TikTok but want to know how much are TikTok gift points worth. Sending presents to their favorite creators is one way for viewers to show their support. Also, If the creators cross a certain number of followers, they can use the gift points to earn real cash.

They can do this on live stream and choose from a range of badges they can purchase for different prices to send as gifts on TikTok. As a result, well-known TikTok video creators can make a huge amount of money with the aid of the gift-giving scheme.

Let’s see how much are TikTok gift points worth and how you can use them to earn some dollars from TikTok.

What are the TikTok Gift Points?

Once you have a minimum of 1000 followers on TikTok, you can accept gifts from your fans during your live videos. In reality, virtual gifts are icons, such as pandas or drama queens. Or you can buy gift points using TikTok money to recharge your account balance.

You will need a TikTok business account to be able to get gifts points on TikTok

All These gifts have different monetary values. You can buy gift points with TikTok coins. This can be recharged in the balance section. After refilling the gift points, you can exchange digital emojis for diamonds. The diamonds can be turned into real money through PayPal or another safe payment method.

Tiktok gift points

Here’s what each gift is worth on TikTok:

  1. Panda- Five Coins
  2. Italian Hands- Five Coins
  3. Love Bang- Twenty-five Coins
  4. Sun Cream- Fifty Coins
  5. Rainbow Puke- One-Hundred Coins
  6. Concert- Five-Hundred Coins
  7. I’m Very Rich-  One-Thousand Coins
  8. Drama Queen- Five-Thousand Coins

When the present is received, the creator can turn it into diamonds, which can then be exchanged for real money. Although TikTok hasn’t provided a clear breakdown of the value of each gift, it goes like this:

  • Diamonds represent roughly 50% of the value of the coins.
  • Therefore, a 50% commission is taken by TikTok.

What’s The Difference Between TikTok Gifts, Diamonds, And Coins?

TikTok gift points and coins cannot be converted into real currency. Only diamonds can be converted into money using PayPal that can be withdrawn from your account. If you want to know how many diamonds you have, you can go to your account, and under the balance section, you will find the diamonds tab.

Each diamond is worth $0.05; you can convert your gift points to diamonds. So if you get a lot of gift points from your subscribers, you can turn them into diamonds to earn cash from TikTok.

How To Earn Money From TikTok Gifts?

If you do not have 1000 subscribers on TikTok, you can still send gifts to your favorite creator. TikTok creators get paid by using these gift points to be later on converted into diamonds. And they can exchange the diamonds for real currency.

We have covered everything you need to know about how much are TikTok gift points worth. So, to sum up, TikTok is an enjoyable place to make content and share it with your audience.

If you keep doing it regularly, you can earn enough money. Just try and get more of the ‘Drama Queens’ and ‘I’m very rich’ gift points so that it can be a large amount of money when converted to diamonds. Then, you need a TikTok business account, and you are good to go. Visit our website for more TikTok-related content.