Follow For Follow On Twitter: Does It Work?

Increase your followers on Twitter by using this strategy!

Are you wondering if follow for follow on Twitter works? If you have been using this platform more lately, you must be thinking about what more changes this social media platform is going to undergo after Elon Musk bought it! Is he going to bring down the follow for follow thread? This stands to be one popular technique to grow your followers quickly.

But do you think this is helpful in the long term? We are here to answer these queries and discuss in detail the follow for follow on Twitter.

What Is Follow For Follow On Twitter, And Does It Work?

How Does The Follow For Follow Strategy Work On Twitter

In simple words, follow for follow means following someone hoping to get a follow back from the person. This strategy was developed earlier on Instagram when following multiple accounts in a day was considered normal. But now, if you try this technique, your account can be shadowbanned by Instagram. Currently, this will be regarded as a bot activity, and your account will be flagged on Instagram. You will be unable to like, follow, or unfollow for the next 24 hours or more. Similarly, Twitter too has a block action in place but is not as severe as one by Instagram.

Imagine you send a follow request to your crush, and they accept your request but do not follow you back. Won’t you find that offending? You were obviously expecting them to follow you back, but they broke your heart!

Similarly, people now use this strategy by following unknowingly random people on Twitter, expecting them to follow back. But, of course, some will, and some won’t!

If you are verified on Twitter, you can follow 1000 accounts in a day and if you do not have a blue tick beside your username, you can follow 400 accounts in a day.

But the main question still isn’t answered! Does Follow For Follow strategy On Twitter work? Yes, it does! but before you start using this technique you should know the advantages and disadvantages clearly!

How Does The Follow For Follow Strategy Work On Twitter?

You can simply join the follow for follow threads on Twitter by following people you know. You can also start following random accounts so that you receive a follow back.

The second option is to use Indiehackers. This is one of the sites that primarily focus on entrepreneurship. But you can join various groups and engage in the discussion of multiple topics. You have to follow people from Indiehacker and share your profile link in the DM, asking them for a follow back. Also, you need to tell them that you are from Indiehacker. There are high chances that you will receive a follow back.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can you get banned on Twitter for follow for follow?

Ans. Yes, Twitter prohibits abusive following. This counts as violating Twitter’s rules, and therefore, your account can get suspended.

Q2. How do you follow someone else’s followers on Twitter?

Ans. Here’s how you can follow someone else’s followers:

  1. Open the person’s Twitter profile and tap on their followers.
  2. Once you see the followers list, you can tap ‘follow’ beside their names.

Q3. Why is follow for follow bad?

Ans. When you start following random people, you are actually building a list of an irrelevant audience that won’t be interested in your content. They won’t be engaging in your posts if they aren’t interested.

Q4. How do you get someone to follow you back on Twitter?

Ans. Follow these tips if you want people to follow you:

  • Use hashtags.
  • Join a Twitter community
  • Reply to tweets and retweet.
  • Tag people in your tweets.
  • Tweet consistently.


Since you have understood the Follow For Follow On Twitter Strategy, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages before you start following random people. One of the advantages is that you can grow your follower list from zero to a hundred or more in a week. The disadvantage is that you might miss important tweets from your friends or the people you want to stay updated with. You will have a lot of random tweets that you might not be interested in.