Twitter Lists: What? How? And Everything Else You Need To Know

Here's everything you should know about the new Twitter lists feature in 2022

Wondering what are Twitter Lists? Don’t worry; we got you, as always. Twitter is a micro-blogging platform that is very popular among the masses. Some people are just silent spectators on Twitter, and some want to put their opinions out there and be a part of a bigger conversation. However, we can say that Twitter is a social media app for voicing an opinion or even vouching for one. Twitter has also introduced a twitter space for creators and businesses for their benefit.

Talking about Twitter lists are curated lists of people who are grouped as one concerning a particular topic, cause, or niche. So it doesn’t matter if you follow many people from your Twitter account; Twitter lists help you categorize the content you wish to see and prioritize it accordingly.

What Are Twitter Lists?


Twitter rolled out the “Lists” feature to help users to organize the content they want to see and stay focused on their niche. Twitter lists can be private or even public if you wish to help people explore more interesting topics on Twitter.

For example, If you’re an artist, you can create a list with all the other famous artists or art pages that work best in your favor.

A few things to note about Twitter lists are:

  1. There’s a 1,000-list limit per Twitter account.
  2. However, up to 5,000 accounts can be included in each list.

So, next time when you manage Twitter lists or create a new one, make sure you know the limitations.

If you are wondering where are my Twitter lists then to find your list: On the left side of your Twitter home page, under “Home,” click “Lists,” then “Pinned list,” and then “Your list.”

How To Make Twitter Lists?

Now that you are intrigued by this new Twitter lists feature, let’s learn how to make a Twitter list on your device in super easy steps:

Steps To Create Twitter Lists On Your Account

  • Open the Twitter app and make sure you’ve logged into your account.
  • Tap on the profile icon and choose “Lists.”


  • Select the create lists icon in blue on the bottom right of the screen.
  • Give it a proper name and description, and hit “Create.”


  • Add people that are relevant to your niche.

If you want your Twitter list to be private, you have to turn on the “Private” toggle button after naming it and adding a description.

How To Find Someone else’s Twitter Lists?

Sometimes you might want to know what is in the best interest of the people you follow. And what can be a better way to find this than looking at their Twitter Lists? So here’s how you can find someone else’s Twitter Lists.

Steps To See Someone Else’s Lists On Twitter

  • Log in to your Twitter account on your device.
  • Go to the person’s profile whose Twitter lists you wish to view.


  • Tap on the three little dots on the top right of their profile.
  • Hit “View Lists”

You can also see what other lists they’ve been added to by again clicking on the three little dots on the “View Lists” page.

Ways To Add People To Twitter Lists

To manage Twitter lists, there are three ways to add people to your lists:

  • First, find a specific person by their username or full name.
  • Then, click the dotted line on their profile page to add or delete a person from a list.
  • Finally, to add or delete a person from your lists, visit your Following page and click the three-dotted line next to their name.

How To Find Twitter Lists In Your Niche?

Now that you know how to look for someone else’s Twitter lists. Similarly, you can also look for lists that suit your niche and subscribe to them. There are two ways to do this, and we’ve added them below:

1. Via Visit Someone’s profile.

Trust me, this method might sound slightly twisted, but it works. All you have to do is go to someone veteran’s account whose interest is the same as yours and take a look at their lists. You can then choose amongst the lists you wish to subscribe to.

For example, if your niche is world news, you can quickly go to some prominent reporter’s account and look at their lists or the ones they’re a part of.

2. Via Discover Lists


This one’s pretty simple. Keep in mind that in this method, Twitter will provide you the lists that the app thinks fit you the best. All you have to do is go to your lists > Scroll down. You’ll see several lists that are suggested to you. These lists can be about trending topics on Twitter or based on your search history of Twitter or the kind of people you follow.

For example, you’re an environmentalist and follow people with the same background. Plus, you tweet and use Twitter hashtags around the same topic then, by default, you’ll get related lists under the “Discover Lists” section.

Best Twitter Lists To Follow

If you’re new to Twitter, these are some top Twitter lists you can follow according to your forte. This list is curated with a mix of everything: finance, travel, food, fashion, tech, and business. So, you can add, follow or check out these great lists for updates.

  1. Influencers: By Ari Herzog, this list has the top influencers you need to keep up with.
  2. Reasonable News: By David Bradford, if you want to be updated with what’s happening in the tech world, this one’s for you.
  3. Founders: By Startup founders, this one is for upcoming entrepreneurs.
  4. Bloomberg Journalists: By Bloomberg, if you’re into hardcore journalism, then one is your best fit.
  5. Social Media Divas: By Lee Odden, this is your perfect fit if you’re looking for a group of influential women.
  6. Social Media: By Mashable, this one is perfect for you if you are a social media manager. You must keep updated with the latest news and buzz on social media platforms.
  7. Most Innovative Companies: By Fast Company, add this to your list to get inspired by fantastic stories of how giant tech companies grew and learn something about business.
  8. Business Finance: By Little Bird, there is something for everyone on Twitter. If numbers interest you, you must add this one to your list.
  9. Style Source: By Uniqlo, get all your fashion updates and inspiration from here.
  10. Foodie Tweets: Add this list by Caroline Blakey if you are a food lover.
  11. Travel Blogs: If you are a wanderlust at heart, follow this list by Traceable Travels and plan your solo trip to have a fulfilling experience.
  12.  Fashion And Style: This one is perfect for complete fashionistas. This list by Sable Talley has fashion bloggers to inspire you and provide you with all the season’s latest fashion trends.

How Can Twitter Lists Help Your Brand Grow?

In the above section, we have given you in-depth knowledge of some of the best lists to follow and how to create a Twitter list. Here, we will help you understand how it can benefit your brand’s growth.

  1. Highlight Different Products and Services

Twitter lists are a great place to promote your brand’s offerings, market them and share them with all the accounts. This improves the brand’s visibility and awareness among your followers.

2. Connect Better

A Twitter list gives you an opportunity to connect with your followers online and engage and interact with them. This will lead to active participation on the list, there will be a buzz on the list, and brands can connect before and after events to share insights on the brand to create a personalized connection with the brand.

3. Monitor Your List

As a brand, you must monitor the list you follow and others who follow you to gauge if the brand’s mantra matches that of the followers. It is great to have like-minded people on board who believes in and advocate for your brand.

Twitter is a compelling social media platform; to take full advantage of it, you should be updated with all the latest features like Twitter lists, spaces, etc. You can also create your professional account on Twitter to engage more followers. Once you engage followers, you can easily schedule your posts using Tweetdeck.

So now that you’re entirely aware of how Twitter Lists work are you using Twitter lists already? What’s your strategy for them? Please visit our website if you still have doubts about Twitter or other social media.