How To Buy YouTube Channel?

Want an already established YouTube channel?

Like any other social media platform, building an audience takes time and effort. Sometimes you don’t have time enough to build that channel slowly and steadily. For those times you could buy YouTube channel that already is being monetized.

If YouTube is something you are passionate about and you are willing to do whatever it takes to reach fame online you should buy YouTube channel. Having a channel can help you earn that extra penny.

Youtube has been around for so long now that building an audience on it has become extremely difficult. There is so much competition that you cannot rely on organic reach and audience. This is why we say buy YouTube accounts that are already popular and stop worrying about starting from scratch.

These are some of the best websites where you’ll find youtube accounts for sale:

Where To Buy YouTube Channel From?BUY-YOUTUBE-CHANNEL

Here’s a list of the best 5 websites where you’ll find monetized YouTube channel for sale:


Fameswap is claimed by many as the best website to buy monetized YouTube channels. This is one platform where you will find YouTube accounts for sale. And it is true! Fameswap is probably the most legit website you can buy YouTube channel from. You know it is legit because this website connects you with real sellers that have the YouTube channel’s credentials. You can directly get in touch with the channel seller and make sure you’re getting exactly what you want in a YouTube channel.


123accs has all kinds of social media accounts they sell. If you’re looking to buy YouTube accounts you can also search for the social media accounts that go with your YouTube channel; for example, you can buy an Instagram account. You can also buy YouTube channels in bulk from this website. Other than that you get to choose between buying fresh YouTube accounts and buying used monetized YouTube channels.


Playerup is also a website that acts as a middleman and connects you with the seller directly. So you know your transaction is going to be secure and you will be guaranteed to get your YouTube channel. You can find YT accounts for sale or purchase likes for your existing channel. You can also buy an audience for your YT channel. This audience will be interested in your videos and will interact with them.


Want to buy monetized YouTube channel? Lenos is the way to go! If making money is your goal and you can’t wait will you reach monetization on a newly created YT channel, you can just get a YouTube channel with monetization enabled.  You will have to keep making quality content to attract a new audience but an already existing audience can be extremely helpful in the initial stage.


You can buy a well-established YouTube channel from Easyviral and create a good presence for yourself on the platform. You will get a YouTube channel that is monetized and that too at a good price. The channel you buy won’t have copyright claims or community strikes. You will also get a free AdSense account with your channel. And your channel will be delivered to you within 24 hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Will Ads Start Automatically On My Monetized YouTube Channel?

Yes. If you buy a monetized YouTube channel ads will automatically appear on your YouTube videos.

Q2. Is It Illegal To Purchase YouTube Channel?

No. It is completely legal to buy or sell a YouTube channel.

Q3. Is There A Risk Of Losing Monetization After The Channel Is Mine?

No. As long as your channel remains active and follows YouTube guidelines it won’t lose monetization.

Q4. How Much Does It Cost To Buy A YouTube Channel?

It costs you as less as 10 dollars and as much as 500 dollars to buy a YouTube channel.


And that is how you successfully buy YouTube channel! Before buying a YouTube channel make sure it has the right kind of audience. If you’re buying a YouTube channel with a film audience and posting videos about politics you will lose all the audience in no time. Make sure you’re making the right financial decision when you buy YouTube accounts.

So buy a good monetized YouTube channel and make good use of it. That is how you make a profit from your YouTube channel. You can buy a YouTube channel from Fameswap, 123accs, Playerup, Lenos, and Eazyviral.

Are you going to buy monetized YouTube channel and start your YouTube career? There are also other ways you can get monetized on YouTube!