How Many Subscribers Do You Need To Get Paid On YouTube In 2024?

How Many Subscribers Do You Need To Get Paid On YouTube? A Step by Step Guide.

There are hundreds of YouTubers without millions of subscribers who are constantly paid well on YouTube. So, if you wonder how many subscribers you would require to get paid on YouTube, keep reading! The dynamics of YouTube, no matter how diverse they get, allow every creator on the platform to earn from their videos. While creating content is one of the keys, it is not limited to just that! Making money on YouTube in 2024 requires brainstorming and a smart approach – alongside a rich and unique content strategy.

Below we shall unravel the intricacies of YouTube and explain how you can monetize your YouTube channel without having millions of subscribers. As impractical as it may sound, it is quite possible. Remember that phrase smart work > hard work? So let’s get going!

Number Of Subscribers You Need To Get Paid On YouTube

To get paid on YouTube you need to enrol in the YouTube Partner Program. Your channel must have at least 4000 watch hours in the past 12 months and at least 1000 subscribers.

Apart from this, make sure you have not violated YouTube’s terms of service, including but not limited to – the age requirement (you must be at least 13 years old to use the service.), copyright protection of other creators’ content, cause or encourage any inaccurate measurements of genuine user engagement with the Service, et cetera. Read YouTube’s complete Use of the Service here.

How To Get Paid On YouTube?

How Many Subscribers Do You Need To Get Paid On YouTube In 2022?

The first step towards earning money on YouTube is by joining the YouTube Partner Program. The YouTube Partner Program is a monetization program that allows creators to earn money from their videos through advertisements.

YouTube Partner Program – what is it about?

Google owns YouTube, so it uses Google Adsense to run ads on your YouTube channel. With Google Adsense and the YouTube Partner Program, you control what ads you want to display on your YouTube channel. Once finalized, these ads are displayed on your intro, in the middle of your videos, and in your outro. When viewers engage with your video, they also watch the running advertisement. You earn a small commission with every view and click on these advertisements. This commission could range from a few cents to a couple of dollars per view or click. Now, the amount you earn depends on several factors that include but are not limited to – the length of your video, the type of content being shown, and the advertiser’s bid, among others.

Once you are enrolled in the YouTube Partner Program, you can start converting your subscribers into income and videos into monetization assets. Once your channel meets the basic requirements, you can start your application process. Your application will then go through a series of events, including signing up for YouTube’s terms and conditions, Google Adsense, and setting up your monetization preferences – following which you will be able to start getting paid for your videos.

YouTube Partner Program – curating the most suitable ads

Getting enrolled in the YouTube partner program is the first step. But in order to gain maximum benefit from the program, you need to optimize your ads and viewership.

  • Ads that appeal to your target audience: 

    Now that you have filled out the application process and have become a prestigious member of the YouTube partner program, your channel is ready to take off. But every flight needs a sense of direction! As we mentioned before, you decide what ads you want to display on your videos, when you want them to appear, and where! Given that you have all that liberty, it is imperative to know how to use it. Based on the subject of your videos and the viewers who watch them, select which ads will get maximum engagement. For example, if you are a gamer who uploads only game-centric videos, running game-related ads would make more sense as they will receive more views and clicks than other off-topic ads that don’t match your audience’s interests.

Kindly note: how much money you make from YouTube depends on how many people view advertisements that show up on your videos.

  • Track the length of your videos:

    The success of your ads relies on two factors – how well your ads match your audience’s interests and the length of your videos. A 30-minute video will have more space to run advertisements – in comparison to a 5-minute video. A 30-minute video, hence, will provide Google Adsense with more room to display relevant ads instead of 5-minute videos. Smart methods to help you raise money from your subscribers

Do sponsored videos

How Many Subscribers Do You Need To Get Paid On YouTube

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying make an entire video sponsored content. That would do more harm than good! It will deflate your audience from watching your videos because it shows your perception of making videos solely for money. The crack here is to plug sponsored content in your videos with a pinch of subtlety.

For example, suppose you are a tech YouTuber who likes to review new smartphones. Collaborating with a smartphone accessory brand (mainly that manufactures affordable mobile phone accessories) will add a layer of cognizance to your videos. This step, in all likelihood, allows your viewers to seek benefits from your sponsorship – which makes your video more lucrative than before.

Sell your digital products

By far, the easiest and most profitable way of earning through YouTube is by selling your digital products. It’s the easiest because you don’t need to have 1000 subs on your YouTube channel to get things started. All you need is a library to showcase your product.

What is a product here?

You don’t need to be sketching oil paintings or have tons of stocks in some IPO to call it a digital product. For example, if you are good at Photoshop. You could build a channel showcasing “how-to” tutorials for Photoshop and later develop a subscription model for your subscribers, asking them for a small commission in exchange for your service. Your loyal customers who love your work won’t mind becoming your financial pillars.

Keep a check on your metrics

The best way to determine your channel’s success is by keeping a close check on your metrics. The data collected on your metrics board tells you how your videos perform at large. But more so, it gives you intel on how likely you are to start increasing the money you make via ads and other monetization methods.

Your analytics on YouTube are determined by these four key points-

  • Likes to views ratio – The YouTube algorithm collects all the data, including the total likes and views your videos receive on average. Based on this data, it leverages your channel. So, you must ensure that your YouTube channel gets enough likes in relation to the views it makes.
  • Comments to views ratio – Tubular insights state that for every 100 views, your channel should get at least four comments. Although this is an average sum, it broadly speaks for your channel’s analytical health. This is why maintaining an excellent comments-to-views ratio strengthens your channel metrics which further increases your chances of getting paid from YouTube.
  • Subscriber to view ratio – Have you ever wondered why every YouTube creator is so hard on persuading their viewers to hit that Subscribe button in every YouTube video? This intense urge to get a sub from every new viewer comes from metrics analysis – subscriber-to-view ratio. This ratio is by far the most critical of them all. It single-handedly gravitates your channel to faster monetization.


Making money from YouTube is something any YouTuber can do, regardless of their region. However, how much you earn from it depends on several factors. We can assure you that we have covered the most important ones in this guide – following which, you can make some easy money from your favorite platform.

We hope this guide has answered the undying question that every YouTuber keeps searching for – How Many Subscribers Do You Need To Get Paid On YouTube? And helps you speed your way to an even more exciting journey ahead on YouTube. For any queries, feel free to drop us a line.