How To Rank Your Video On YouTube Homepage Video List?

How do I show a video on my YouTube homepage?

Do you want to get on the YouTube homepage video list? If you are a YouTube creator, you want your video to be on maximum people’s home screens, so you get views on your videos. If you want to complete 4000 hours of watch time within 12 months, landing your video on the viewer’s page is essential.

Here are some tips that will help you understand how to get your video on the YouTube homepage video list:

Tips To Rank Video On YouTube Homepage

Tips To Rank Video On YouTube Home Page

There are two factors that YouTube considers while displaying videos on the home screen. The first is what the viewer is interested in watching. This is usually based on the watch history of the viewers. Understanding the behavior is also difficult as the viewer’s interest can keep changing. The second is the performance of your video. Below are some tips that will help you to improve your performance and rank your video on the YT homepage:

Make Engaging videos To Rank On YouTube Home Page

If you want to get your video on the viewers’ home page, you need to make highly engaging content. Your goal should be to keep your viewers interested in watching your videos. The likes, dislikes, and comments you receive on your video are essential factors for YouTube to rank your video on the home page.

Increase Average View Duration To Get Views On YouTube

Increase Average View Duration

The total watch time on your video is divided by the number of times the video has been played. That also includes your replays. Most people suggest creators make short videos. But if you want to increase the average view duration, you need to make long videos. Conversely, if you make short videos, the average view duration will also be less. So if you want your video to be on the homepage, make sure you make lengthy videos.

Create Relatable Content

If you want people to interact with your videos, you need to make relatable content. If you create videos that the maximum audience can relate to, they will share your videos with their friends. This way, you will get more views on your video.

Improve Click-Through Rate

Improve Click-Through Rate

YouTube places some videos on the homepage for a few sets of people to see the engagement the video receives. The Click-through rate, as you know,  is the percentage of people who click on your video after viewing the thumbnail. Hence, work on making appealing thumbnails.

Add Relevant Tags To Your Video

On YouTube, a video’s ranking depends on its tags. They are among the elements that this video-sharing platform takes into account when determining the topics of a video and properly indexing it as well as when suggesting related videos.

Create And Post Long Videos

According to research:

  • Videos that are less than 2 minutes do not perform well.
  • The average duration of the top videos is more than 11 minutes.

So now you must have figured out that short videos, which are between 1-8 minutes in duration, do not get enough views. Therefore you must now start posting longer videos that are more than 10 minutes in duration.

Find Relevant Keywords Using Trends

Google Trends is a free tool that allows you to gather information about what’s popular around a particular subject. When “Trends” and “Similar Content” are combined, you will almost certainly rank for your keyword on YouTube and possibly Google. Your view time will increase if the video is good and people watch the entire thing, which will result in a large increase in subscribers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How do you hit an algorithm on YouTube?

Ans. Here are some steps to hit the algorithm on YT:

  1. Use attractive thumbnails.
  2. Write informative descriptions.
  3. Engage with your viewers.
  4. Make long videos to increase your watch time.

Q2. How long does it take to rank on YouTube?

Ans. It usually takes three months to rank on YouTube. But it could take a month or a year as well. Ranking usually depends on various factors like search volume, competition, and the audience.

Q3. How do YouTube videos go viral?

Ans. There are many factors that play a vital role in getting your YouTube video viral. Here are some factors that you must consider if you want to get popular on YouTube:

  1. Create long videos to increase views.
  2. Make attractive thumbnails.
  3. Write informative descriptions and alluring titles.
  4. Keep engaging with your viewers.

Q4. How do you get your YouTube video to rank on the first page?

Ans. Here are some tricks that will help you to get your video on the first page:

  1. Make relatable and engaging content.
  2. Create playlists of your own videos.
  3. Share your videos on social media platforms.
  4. Customize your thumbnails.
  5. Write an attractive title and description for your video.

Q5. Do comments help YouTube algorithms?

Ans. Yes, commenting does affect the YouTube algorithm in a positive way. If you are receiving more comments on your videos, that means your viewers like your videos. Replying to your comments will encourage other viewers to comment as well. The increasing comments on your videos will let YouTube understand that your video is informative or entertaining.

Once you know how to get on the YouTube homepage video list, it will not be difficult as you think. We can not deny the strong competition on YouTube today, but that does not mean that your video cannot be on the homepage. Your video has equal chances to be on the home page with the popular creators’ videos. If your content appeals to the audience, there are high chances of YouTube placing your video on people’s homepages.

Also, here’s how you can get your video trending on YouTube.