How To Search YouTube Comments Using YouTube Comment Finder?

Looking for a YouTube comment?

Did you know that YouTube is technically considered to be a search engine just like Google? And the best way to find content is to search YouTube comments using YT comment finder. This video-sharing platform has an entire search system where you search for things you don’t know, and as a YouTuber, you have to use SEO so that your video reaches an audience. So what if you’re looking for the answer to your question in YouTube comments? You will need a good comment finder.

YouTube is as informational as it is entertaining. So there is a huge chance that when a YouTuber uploads a YouTube video with some good information in it, you might find people in the comments giving some more insight into the video. In fact, there are times when comments are more informative than the YouTube video. So comments on Youtube videos are extremely important.

Another scenario is also that you made comments on a YouTube video, and now you are wondering, ‘how to find my youtube comments?’ Even that is easy enough with a YouTube comment finder.

Let’s see how to find comment on YouTube:

How To Find YouTube Comment?find-youtube-comments-2-ways

We saw what YT comment finder is and what it does, now, let’s see how to search YouTube comments using comment finder YouTube. We will also see how to find comments you made on YouTube. There are a few different ytcommentfinder tools, but the best one is YCF (YouTube Comment Finder), as it is very easy to use.

These are the steps on how to find YouTube comment using YCF:

  1. Open YouTube comment finder, and in the search bar, paste the link to the video you want to search the comments of.
  2. Once you click Search, the details of the video will be displayed on the
  3. Now in the search bar, type your keyword and click on

You will see all the relevant comments appear below the search bar. You can do this with any video on YouTube. YT comment finder also shows you comments with the synonyms of the term you entered. So in case, you forgot your exact comment, you can try typing out the idea of the comment.

What Is A YouTube Comment Finder?

YouTube comments are a Sometimes the comments don’t work, but they are still a blessing.

Want a tool you can use to find comments on YouTube? If your question is ‘how to search YouTube comments?’ your answer is ‘YouTube comment finder.’ Today you will learn everything you need to know about ytcommentfinder and how to find YouTube comment using this tool. A YT comment finder works like an SEO-operated search engine itself. When you enter the words from your comment ytcommentfinder will search and bring you the most relevant comments.

So if you don’t remember what exactly you wrote when you commented, you might have some trouble with the YouTube comment finder.

How To Find YouTube Comment With Chrome Extension?

If finding YouTube comments is going to be a regular thing, you dont want to keep opening the YouTube comment finder website constantly. You can reduce your work by downloading a Google chrome extension. Follow these steps to search comments on YouTube using the chrome extension:

  1. Open Chrome web store and search YouTube comment
  2. Select the ‘YCS – YouTube comment search’ and click on ‘Add to chrome.’ycs-youtube-comment-search
  3. Then select ‘Add extension,’ and you will see a search filter added to your YouTube comment section.ycs-youtube-comment-search-extension

Once the search filter is on the YouTube comments section, you can search for any comments with the keywords for all videos whenever you want.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How To Search YouTube Comments?

  1. Go to YouTube Comment Finder
  2. Run Search using the video link
  3. Then Search using the keyword of your comment

Q2. How To Find Comments You Made On YouTube?

Comment finder YouTube will help you find your own comments as well as other people’s comments by running a search with the keyword of the comment.

Q3. How To Comment On YouTube?

  1. Go to a YouTube video.
  2. Below the video, you will find the comments section.
  3. Click on ‘Add comment’ and make your comment.

Q4. Can You Search For Specific Comments On YouTube?

Yes. With the YT comment finder, you can search for specific comments on YouTube.

Q5. How To Use The Comment History Feature To Search Comments?

Here is how you can find your old comment from your history:

  • Sign in to YouTube
  • Hamburger icon
  • Select History
  • Click Comments


YouTube’s popularity goes beyond videos on the platform. It is also user interactions that give the platform all that popularity. YouTube comments are, at times deciding factor for viewers whether they want to watch the video fully or not. So if you engage with a YouTube video by leaving a comment, it helps other viewers as much as it helps the YouTuber.

In this article, we saw the importance of YouTube comments and how you can find a YouTube comment. The YouTube comment finder is also helpful for YouTubers who want to see what people are commenting about the most. It could give you a read on the audience you have. You just have to go to the YouTube comment finder and search for the comment by the keyword.

People in YT comments can get very insightful, and if you’re looking for a specific thing, you don’t need to scroll through all the comments to find what you’re looking for; you could just use the YT comment finder. Hopefully, your question about ‘how to search YouTube comments using YouTube comment finder’ was answered in this article.

Seen a highlighted comment on YouTube? Find out what a highlighted comment means!