Your Handbook On Snapchat Words!

Here's a guide to understanding what FS, HS, ASL, ISTG, and WYO mean On Snapchat!

Are you a newbie on Snapchat? Then you might need your handbook on Snapchat words! This is one of the best platforms that allow you to connect with your friends over snaps and chat! In addition, you can send pictures throughout the day to stay connected with your friends. But since you are new to using the app, you might find using stickers, maintaining streaks, and adding stuff to your story a little overwhelming! Overall, you might feel a little lost if you come across various terms! But do not worry; we have your handbook on Snapchat words complied for you!

Your Handbook On Snapchat Words

What Does ISTG Mean In Text

Texting is one of the best forms of communicating things, and it has taught us to write in abbreviations or short forms. Call me ASAP, and TTYL are some of the frequently used abbreviations. But if you are new to the platform, there are many terms that you might not know. You can, of course, Google them before answering to ensure that you aren’t saying something out of context! So here are some terms that we have compiled for you:

What Does FS Mean On Snapchat?

If your friend is inviting you for dinner, simply say, I’ll be there, FS! But what does FS mean? It’s an abbreviation for For Sure.

What Does HY Mean On Snapchat?

If you are sure about something that you said right away and want to add a little swag to it, say I am hot, HY! Don’t use HY on Snapchat without knowing its meaning of it! HY simply means, “I am hot, hell yes!”

What Does ISTG FR FR Meaning In Chat?

ISTG is an acronym that simply means “I swear to God.” ISTG FR FR on Snapchat means “I swear to God for real for real.” So if you might not believe something your friend said, they might use this term. Also, learn how and when to use this term.

What Does ASL On Snapchat Mean?

ASL has two meanings. First is age, sex, and Language. So if a stranger asks you to text you ASL, that means the person wants to know your age, sex, and Language. And secondly, as hell! If your dear friend uses this term to convey something, it means as hell. So here’s how you can use ASL on Snapchat.

What Does WYO Mean On Snapchat?

There are stickers available on Snapchat with WYO. But what does that even mean, and how can you use it on Snapchat? WYO is an acronym for “What you on.” Learn how to use this term on Snapchat while talking to your friends.


Here’s your handbook on Snapchat words! Do not use them without knowing their meaning, and also do not answer them if you do not know what the opposite person is referring to!

Also, if you have texted a friend and you see the status of the message is pending for a long time. Here’s how you can fix the pending error.