How To Delete A Facebook Page In 2024?

Get rid of Facebook Pages you no longer use in this detailed guide.

Are you prepared to permanently delete your Facebook page? This guide will show you how to delete FB Page in the simplest and quickest method possible. It’s worth noting that deleting your page on Facebook means you won’t be able to recover it. This implies that all your information on that business page will permanently disappear. As a result, be double sure about your decision to remove your FB page permanently.

You can’t remove the Facebook Page unless you have full admin access. If you have lost admin access to your page, you must recover it to delete your FB page. Once you have admin access, carry out the steps mentioned below.

How To Delete A Facebook Page From iPhone?

Earlier, the steps to delete a page from your Facebook account on an iPhone were slightly different. You can refer to the guide below for that. However, with the recent update, the option to permanently delete a Facebook page on iPhone has changed a little. Here’s how you can unpublish a FB page on an ios device:

  1. In your Facebook app, go to the hamburger icon at the bottom.
  2. Tap on Pages and switch profile to the FB business page you wish to delete permanently.
  3. Once you have switched the profile, tap on the hamburger menu icon once again.
  4. Tap the settings icon at the top right corner and go to the Page settings option.
  5. Now, scroll down to the Facebook Page Information section
  6. Tap on Access and Control
  7. Select the Deactivation and Deletion option
  8. Tap on ‘Delete’ and ‘Continue’
  9. You will then be asked why you decided to unpublish this FB page. You can skip this step and tap on Continue.
  10. Next, you are given the option to download your page info before deleting your page permanently. If you want to save your posts and photos, tap ‘download info.’ If not, tap on ‘Continue.’
  11. You will then be asked for your Facebook account password. And then tap on Continue.
  12. You will then be informed that this is a permanent step. Tap on Continue.

Lastly, once you delete a page on Facebook, you will get a 30-day deletion period during which you can choose to reactivate your Facebook page. After the 30-day deletion period is over, your deleted FB page will be permanently gone. You cannot recover that page again after that. Tap on Delete Page.

Deleting a page on Facebook on an Android device is the same as before.

Steps to Delete a Facebook Business Page In 2024? (Desktop)

Deleting a business Page on Facebook is very simple and straightforward. All you need to do is open the Facebook Page’s settings and find the “Deactivate and Deletion” option. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you delete a page on Facebook’s desktop version.

Step 1: Open your Facebook Page

To remove your Facebook page, you need to log in to your Facebook account. So go to and sign in to your account. Then click on the profile icon with down arrow in the top left corner. Click on See All profiles and switch to the FB business page you want to delete.

Step 2: Go to Page Settings

Once you have switched to the FB page, repeat the step mentioned above. Click on the profile icon and select the Settings & Privacy option. Then click on Settings to open the FB page settings.

Step 3: Go to Facebook Information

Now, Click on Privacy to find the Facebook Information tab. Once you see the Facebook Information option, you will see a list of options on the right side of the screen. Scroll to the bottom of this list to find the deactivate and delete options.

Step 4: Select Deactivate and Deletion Option

Click on ‘View’ next to the Deactivate and Delete options. Select Delete Page and click on Continue. Click on Continue again. Put in the password of your Facebook account used to create this page on Facebook. This is an integral step in deleting your Facebook business page. You won’t be able to remove your FB page without an FB account password.

If you have forgotten your FB account password, it’s better if you reset your Facebook account password before starting this process of deleting your FB page. Once you have your Facebook account’s new password, start the process of removing your page permanently from Facebook.

After you put in your password. Click on Continue. You will be asked twice again if you want to delete your Facebook business page permanently. Click on ‘Continue’.

Your Facebook page has now been removed from Facebook. No one will be able to view your page. It will be deleted from Facebook after 30 days. It’s called the deletion period.


deactivate fb page desktop

  • Facebook Deletion Mode

Facebook won’t immediately delete your page; instead, it will put your business page into deletion mode. You will then get 30 days to rethink your decision. The Facebook business page will automatically be removed on the 30th day, but if you change your mind, you can choose to cancel the deletion from the FB page settings in the meantime. Your Facebook page will be unpublished when the deletion mode is on, which means no one can view or interact with your page. Once you get it, access it.

To cancel the deletion of FB page and reactivate your deleted your FB page, you need to follow the same steps mentioned above and select the “Reactivate Page” option.

deleted fb page

How To Cancel The Deletion Of A Facebook Page?

You can reactivate a FB page if it’s in deletion mode. The process of recovering a deleted Facebook page in deletion mode is similar to the process of how to delete an FB page. First, you need to open your Facebook account on your desktop. It’s a very simple process if you know where to find the reactivate page setting.

Here’s how to reactivate a deleted Facebook page within 30 days deletion period: 

  • Open Facebook in your PC browser
  • Log into your FB account
  • Click on your profile icon with the down arrow
  • Select Settings & Privacy
  • Then, click on Settings
  • Select Privacy
  • Click on Facebook Information
  • Below, Deactivate and delete, you will see the option to Reactivate Page or Account. Click on View. 
  • Here you will see all your deleted Facebook profiles and pages that are in deletion mode. You can also see how many days remain in your 30-day deletion period.
  • Click on Reactivate button next to the deleted Facebook page you wish to reactivate.

Think properly before clicking on the Reactivate button, unlike when you decide to delete a page. Facebook doesn’t ask you again to confirm your decision to reactivate a deleted FB page. As soon as you click on reactivate, your Facebook page is reactivated.

Note: To reactivate a deleted page on Facebook, you need to open Facebook on your browser.

But if the Facebook business Page has completed the 30 days buffer period and has been permanently deleted, you cannot retrieve it. You have lost it forever. There’s nothing you can do to get the deleted FB page back.

Download All Data Before Deleting FB Page

Once your Facebook page is deleted, all the photos and videos that you have uploaded will be gone forever. So you must download a copy of your Facebook page data before deleting it. Facebook gives you the option to download your data before finishing the process of deleting it.

  • Open Facebook app
  • Tap on the hamburger icon
  • Go to Pages 
  • Tap on the page you want to delete 
  • Tap on the settings (gear) icon at the top right corner
  • Go to General 
  • Scroll down to find the Download Page option. Then, click on the Download page option

download photos-facebook delete page (1)

How Do I Delete A Facebook Page On iPhone? (Mobile)

The process to delete Facebook pages is the same for iPhone and Android devices. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you delete your Facebook page on your iPhone:

  1. Open Facebook app
  2. Tap on the hamburger icon
  3. Go to Pages 
  4. Tap on the page you want to delete.Recover FB Pages
  5. Head to the settings icon at the top right corner
  6. Go to General 
  7. Scroll down to find the Delete XYZ page option. Then, click on the delete button. Remove Business Page
  8. Confirm your decision to shut your Facebook page down permanently.

Your Facebook page will be in deletion mode for 14 days.

How To Delete A Facebook Page I created?

The process to delete the FB page you created is as follows: Go to FB Page settings>Facebook Page Information>Delete Your Page.

How To Delete A Facebook Page Someone Else Created?

If you don’t have admin access to a Facebook business page, then you cannot remove it from Facebook. To delete a FB page someone else created, ask the owner of the Facebook page to make you an admin of the page. 

However, if you come across a page on Facebook that is trying to impersonate you or your business, then you can report it to Facebook, and they will take the fake FB page down if found to be spam.

How To Take Down A Facebook Page You Manage?

You will need admin access if you are managing a FB business page and want to delete it permanently. You cannot delete a page without admin access. Once you have admin access, download the Meta business suite app. Then follow these steps to delete a Facebook page you manage:

  1. Open Meta Business suite
  2. Tap on your profile image at the top
  3. Switch to the page you want to delete
  4. Tap on More in the bottom right corner
  5. Select Settings.
  6. Tap on Delete page.

That’s it. Your Facebook page will be deleted.

A Facebook business page has to go through a 30-day deletion mode before it can be permanently removed from the platform. The process of deleting a FB page is simple and straightforward on a desktop and a mobile app. But to start the process, you need admin access to the page.

If you simply leave your page without deleting it, someone else can claim ownership of your Facebook page. 

However, if you want a temporary break from Facebook, then you should rather deactivate your FB page.

Now you know how to send a FB page in deletion mode and how to delete a Facebook page, use this information to get rid of Facebook pages you no longer need.