How To Delete Instagram Messages?

You can delete individual messages AND full chats on Instagram!

Instagram is one social media app that gained popularity very quickly. The best thing about Instagram is that almost everyone is on there. You can actually follow your favorite celebrities on there and even interact with them. Because of how easy it has gotten to connect with anyone on Instagram sometimes we might send people messages that we come to regret. But the good thing is you can delete messages on Instagram. Just like you can delete call history on Instagram.

The messages you send on Instagram are popularly known as direct messages. You can send texts, audios, reels, images, and a lot more in the DMs. There is a high chance that you send the wrong thing to the wrong person, or there are old messages with a person you want to delete, or you might want to delete an entire chat with someone, all of these things are possible.

You know how deleting messages works on Facebook. Now let’s see how to unsend a message, delete a conversation, and delete all DMs on Instagram:

How To Delete IG Messages?

If you don’t want to delete the entire chat and just delete a few selected messages from your Instagram DMs you could follow these steps:unsend-instagram-message

  1. Open Instagram DMs and then open the chat window from where you want to delete a message.
  2. Tap and hold the message or messages you want to delete and tap Unsend.

You can do this with as many messages as possible as long as you are the sender. You cannot select and delete a message in the DMs sent by someone else. If you want to delete the senders’ DMs you will have to delete the entire chat window.

How To Delete All DMs On Instagram?

If you want to delete all DMs from a person or from multiple people you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Instagram DMs and find the chat you want to delete.
  2. Tap and hold the chat and when a drop-down opens tap Delete.delete-instagram-chat

Your entire chat will be deleted from your Instagram account. Remember that the chat will still be there on the other person’s device.

Steps To Unsend A Message On Instagram Without Them Knowing?

If you accidentally send a wrong DM to someone and wish to unsend it without them knowing you will have to be quick. If the person is online or if they see they have received a DM from you they will know when you unsend it. To unsend a DM follow these steps:

  1. Open Instagram DMs and then open the chat window from where you want to delete a message.
  2. Tap and hold the message or messages you want to delete and tap Unsend.unsend-instagram-dm

This isn’t any different from deleting a previously sent IG message. The only difference is that here you have to delete it before they notice you’ve sent them anything.


Instagram being so fun and easy to use also means we might end up making a few mistakes on the app. Sending the wrong DM to the wrong person, or having a conversation we a person and regretting it later. The good thing is you can learn how to erase Instagram messages like they were never sent. Hopefully, this article helped you learn how to delete Instagram messages.

Whether you want to delete individual messages, you want to delete the entire chat window, or you might want to unsend a message without the other person knowing you can do all of these things. The only thing you cannot individually delete from the DMs is the other person’s message. For that, you will have to delete your entire chat window.

Deleted the wrong Instagram DM? You can still see the messages you deleted from Instagram.