Why Do I See An Error Saying Feedback Required Instagram?

Are you seeing an error 'feedback required' on Instagram?

Seeing feedback require Instagram error? Wondering why is feedback needed on Instagram? Instagram is one of those social media apps that is constantly facing technical issues because of how much it keeps on updating. Many users have become extremely familiar with Instagram’s error messages, the common ones being ‘Try again later’, ‘Unable to use effect,’ and ‘Not loading pictures’. If you see an error saying feedback required, Instagram might need your attention. Today let’s see what does feedback required mean on Instagram?

When you get this error, you are mainly restricted from using some of Instagram’s features. Sometimes you will have trouble posting on Instagram. Other times you will have trouble liking posts on Instagram, while there will be times when you won’t be able to log in to Instagram.

Let’s see what feedback required means on Instagram, why is feedback needed on Instagram, and what can you do to help fix the error:

What Does Feedback Required Mean On Instagram?

IG has a lot of failsafe practices in place when they detect bots on the platforms.error-feedback-required-instagram One of these practices is sending errors such as feedback required when an action is performed repetitively in a short amount of time. When you do that Instagram interprets that as someone using a bot to gain likes, comments, or follows. Seeing your account as a bot Instagram will block your IP address.

At other times it might not just be you seeing the Feedback required error, but every Instagram user might get this error at the same time. This indicated that Instagram is down. This is an app’s internal issue and has to be fixed by Instagram’s tech team. But if it isn’t everyone that’s seeing the error and Instagram seems to be working fine for others, then this might be a problem on your end.

Let’s see what you can do to fix the Instagram feedback required error message.

What To Do When Instagram Says Feedback Required?

Now that you know why is feedback needed on Instagram and what does feedback required mean on Instagram, there are a few things you could try to fix this error on Instagram:

1. Log In From Browserinstagram-browser-login

The feedback required error might be limited to your device or app. So first, try opening Instagram on your browser on the phone instead of the app. If you still get the error try using the browser on your desktop.

2. Switch Your Internet Connection

Usually, when an Instagram error gets sent to you, your IP address gets blocked. You can try switching your internet connection from Wi-Fi to mobile data or to another Wi-Fi. If you’re already using your mobile data, then try switching to a Wi-Fi network. When you access your account from a different network connection, it might undo the error.

3. Uninstall Instagraminstagram-uninstall-reinstall

If none of the above methods work out for you your last option is to uninstall Instagram and re-install it after a while. You will have to wait for at least a few hours after uninstalling your Instagram before you reinstall it for the error message to go away.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why Do I Keep Getting A “Feedback_Required” Message When Trying To Comment On Instagram Photos?

If you’re wondering why is feedback needed on Instagram here is your answer. You might be getting feedback required messages because of an Instagram glitch. Try uninstalling the app and downloading it again.

Q2. Why Is Feedback Needed On Instagram?

Feedback lets Instagram understand an individual user’s needs and experience and how they can make the experience better.

Q3. What Is Instagram Limit?

Instagram can limit certain activities for a user if they have not followed certain guidelines.

Q4. Why Does My Instagram Keep Saying Feedback Required?

Your Instagram might be in need of updating. Update the app to get rid of the feedback required error.

Q5. How To Fix Feedback Required On Instagram?

  • Log in to Instagram from the browser
  • Change your internet connection
  • Uninstall and reinstall Instagram


Usually, the feedback required Instagram error works itself out, and there really isn’t anything you can actively do about it. But when our activities on Instagram are blocked off, it does make using the app an inconvenience. We all want our Instagram to run smoothly but errors are sometimes inevitable.

After you figured out what does feedback required mean on Instagram you will need to fix it. To fix the feedback required Instagram error you will need to do one of these three things:

  • Login from browser
  • Switch internet connection
  • Uninstall Instagram

Hopefully, the methods maintained in this article helped you fix the error. If it didn’t there’s nothing else you can do but wait for Instagram to fix it by themselves. If your Instagram error still doesn’t fix after 48 hours you should contact Instagram support.