Does Snapchat Notify When You Screen Record?

Find out how to screen record Snapchat without notifications!

If your friend has sent you a funny video or picture of themselves and you want to save it in your chat, you might think twice. Since you know that Snapchat notifies the person if you take a screenshot. But does Snapchat notify when you screen record? Can you take a screenshot without notification? Is that possible? Snap is actually built in a way where all your activities are recorded and the person gets notified. But there are ways that will allow you to take a screenshot without them knowing. Even if you replay a snap, your friend receives a notification. So does Snapchat notify when you screen record? Let’s find out!

Can You Screen Record Snapchat Without Them Knowing?

Can You Screen Record Snapchat Without Them Knowing

If you use Snapchat frequently, you will know that your actions are recorded and notified. But can you screen record Snap without them knowing? If you are an Android user, you are going to get lucky now! Because if you are using an android phone and you screen record a snap, video, or screen they will not know that you have screen recorded something.

Does Snapchat Notify When You Screen Record A Story on Android

But if you are an iPhone user, and if you screen record anything, your friend will know that you have screen recorded.

screen record Snapchat story iphone

How To Screen Record Snapchat Without Them Knowing?

Here are the top three ways to screen record snapchat without notification:

  • Tip1: Create A Fake Account On Snapchat: You can create a fake account on Snapchat and send a request to your friend. Once they accept your request, you can view and record their snaps.
  • Tip 2: Mirror Phone On Your Desktop: You must connect your phone to your desktop. Then play the snap or a video on your phone and record it. Snapchat won’t be able to capture the activity.
  • Tip 3:Use Another Phone To Record : As simple as it sounds! You can open the snap or a video and use another phone to record it.

Does Snapchat Notify When You Screen Record A Story?

So whenever you see everyone’s story on Snapchat, they will see your name in the list of views. Here, iPhone users are at an advantage! So if you are an iPhone user and you try to screen record Snapchat story of your friend, they won’t be notified. On the other hand, if you are an Android user, and you try to screen record Snapchat story, your friend will get to know that you have screen-recorded their story.

Does Snapchat Notify When You Screen Record A Story


Since you know the answer to your question, does Snapchat notify when you screen record? You are wrong if you think you can use third-party apps to screen record Snapchat without notification! Unfortunately, with the new snap update, you will be unable to screen record Snapchat story!

Also, if you click an image with your camera and want to send it to friends as a normal Snapchat image, here’s how you can send snaps from your camera roll.