10 Reasons Why Your ‘TikTok Messages Not Working’

Error-TikTok messages are not working.

Are your TikTok messages not working? Here’s your hands-on guide on how to fix TikTok messages. Unfortunately, there could be multiple reasons your messages are not going through on TikTok messaging. But luckily, there are various ways to fix when TikTok Direct messaging is not working.

Few ways you can fix your TikTok direct messaging. The first and basic is to check your internet connection. If you do not have a stable internet connection, you will not be able to send messages on TikTok or any other social media platform. But what would be the other reasons for TikTok messages not working? Let’s find out in the article below.

Why Your TikTok Direct Messages Are Not Working?

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The following are the reasons why your TikTok messages are not sending.

  • Cache
  • Your privacy settings are changed.
  • Your TikTok is not updated.
  • Your internet or broadband connection is out.
  • You are not Friends with the person on TikTok you are trying to message.
  • The person may have blocked you
  • There’s a TikTok server error.
  • Your phone number isn’t verified.
  • You are under 16
  • The recipient of the TikToker may have switched off their messaging feature.

Top 10 Reasons Why Your TikTok Messages Not Working

Here’s a detailed understanding of why your TikTok messages are not working.

1. Clear Cache On TikTok To Fix Direct Messaging

Cache files are temporary files downloaded by the app to make loading easier in the near future. For example, your TikTok may already have downloaded the video thumbnails to load them better in the future. However, these files eat up the space of your device and your app, so it is better you clear or delete them from time to time. To clear cache files on TikTok, you will need to:

  • Open TikTok app
  • Go to ‘Your Profile.’
  • Click on the ‘Hamburger.’

Clear Cache Tiktok img 1

  • Go to ‘Settings.’
  • Click on the ‘Clear’ on the right side of ‘Cache.’

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2. Change Your Privacy Settings

Your messages on TikTok are not working because you might have changed the privacy settings. To fix your Direct messages on TikTok, follow the steps below.

  • Open the TikTok app.
  • Go to ‘Your Profile.’
  • Click on the ‘Hamburger.’

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  • Go to ‘Settings.’
  • Then, go to ‘Privacy.’

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  • Under ‘Who can send you direct message?’ Enable ‘Followers who follow back and people you sent messages to.’

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3. TikTok App is not Updated

Sometimes, it can be that your TikTok app is not updated automatically, and therefore, your messages on TikTok are not working. To update your TikTok app, you need to follow the steps below.

  • Open your Playstore or Apple Store.
  • Go to ‘Search’ an type TikTok.
  • Select the TikTok app.

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  • Select ‘Update’ to start an update of the TikTok app.
  • And the update will be completed.

4. Internet Connection Lost: TikTok Messages Not Working

Check your broadband or internet connection to make sure that you have internet. If your Wi-Fi is out, turn it off for at least 30 seconds and then turn it on the back again. Call your internet service provider for further execution if it is still not working.

5. The Recipient Is Not On Your Friend List

You need to add the person to your friend list on TikTok before sending them a message on TikTok. to add the person to your friend list; you need to follow the steps below.

  • Open the TikTok app.
  • Go to the recipient’s profile.

Add friend Tiktok 1

  • Select ‘follow.’
  • And then try sending them a message.

Add friend Tiktok 1

6. The Person Has Blocked You

If you are spamming someone, it is obvious that person will block you so that you cannot send them any more annoying messages. And if you are still thinking, why won’t my TikTok messages send? Here’s a simple answer, don’t spam anyone or annoy people on TikTok, or there are chances that you can get blocked and you won’t be able to message them.

7. TikTok Server Error- Messages Not Working

If this is why your TikTok messages are not working, then you have no option but to wait until the app developers fix the server back up. Unfortunately, the server going down is a standard error on social media sites and apps. So you need to be patient because you have no other option.

8. Your Phone Number Isn’t Verified

Chances are you haven’t verified your phone number on TikTok, so TikTok has stopped your messaging feature. To verify your phone number on TikTok, you need to go through the following steps.

  • Open the TikTok app.
  • Go to ‘Your Profile.’
  • Click the ‘Hamburger’ icon.

phone number TikTok messages not working

  • Go to ‘Settings.’
  • Select ‘Manage account.’

phone number verify tiktok messages not working

  • Then, under Account Information, select ‘Phone number.’
  • Enter your phone number, and you will receive the code.

phone number verify tiktok messages not working

  • Enter The code, and now your phone number is verified.

phone number verify tiktok messages not working

9. You Are Under Age To Use TikTok Direct Message

One Reason you cannot use TikTok direct message is that you are under 16. This is because TikTok has age restrictions in its messaging feature. This wasn’t the rule before the app was launched. Still, later, TikTok removed the Direct message feature from the accounts of people under 16 to maintain the safety and security of minor accounts. So the other option for people under 16 is to use Instagram’s direct messages.

10. The Recipient Has Turned Off The Direct Message

Like on other Social media platforms, you can turn off the direct message on TikTok so that you don’t receive any messages from anyone on the app. If the recipient of your message has turned off the Direct message, then your message won’t be delivered. So, that’s why your TikTok messages are not working.

11. Reinstall TikTok If The Message Is Not Sending

Reinstalling the app on your device is advised if updating the app was unsuccessful. This will guarantee that the software is successfully installed and that your system is free of damaged data. Here is how to remove TikTok:

  • Go to your home screen and look for the TikTok app.
  • Hold down the app icon until the settings menu appears.
  • Finally, click the Uninstall (Android) or Remove App (iOS) buttons.
  • Once finished, reinstall TikTok from the Play Store or App Store.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How Do I know That My TikTok Messages Not Working?

You can go to the TikTok app and select the person you want to message, type a message and send it. If the message is not delivered, you know your TikTok message is not working. You can go through one of the above reasons to fix your TikTok direct messaging.

Q2. How To Add Someone To Friend List On TikTok?

You can follow the steps below to add someone to your friend list on TikTok.

  • Open the TikTok app.
  • Go to the recipient’s profile.
  • Select ‘follow.’
  • And then try sending them a message.

So as you now know that there could be several reasons why TikTok messages not working. But the most common could be the internet connection or the TikTok server being down. Either way, you know how to resolve any issues you face when your TikTok direct message is not working. Ensure you don’t get blocked while messaging or spamming someone on TikTok. And If you are under 16, you can use Instagram direct message because TikTok does not provide you with that feature.

Go Ahead and have fun sending TikToks to your friends on TikTok message. Dont get blocked; if the Servers are down, be patient and wait until the server is fixed. And if you Are facing Problems with your TikTok, go ahead and read Why is my TikTok not working?