How To Make Someone VIP On Twitch?

Can mods give VIP to people?

Do you want to learn how to make someone VIP on Twitch? In a few simple steps, you can turn someone into a VIP. This post will show you how to give your followers VIP status. As you may be aware, VIPs are extremely uncommon badges that streamers may gift their viewers. You may connect with your followers in various ways, one of which is by rewarding them with VIP badges. It has several advantages, such as the ability to chat without being hampered by slow subs or the post links being disabled. So, let us get started on how to make someone VIP on Twitch?

How To Add VIP On Twitch?

On Twitch, having a solid fan base is critical. A creator can provide many roles to followers, such as editor, moderator, VIP, and artist. Each position or role describes a distinct meaning, duty, or purpose. This article explains a VIP badge and how to add VIP on Twitch.

The following are the steps to make people VIP on Twitch:

  • From the Web browser, go to
  • Log in to your account
  • Click on the profile picture and select Creator Dashboard from the drop-down menu.

add vip on twitch

  • Tap on Community
  • Click on the section to expand it and choose Roles Manager.

twitch vip add

  • Click on Add new under the list of followers.
  • In the search box, you can type the username of the follower you want to give a VIP badge.
  • You can choose their roles and click on save.

twitch vip badge

These are the steps to assign a VIP role to a user. You can remove any username’s VIP status as and when you want.

How Many VIP Slots Available On Your Channel?

You can add as many VIPs as you like until all slots are used. Then, you can quickly see how many slots you have remaining. Simply do so when assigning any new role, and the number of available slots will appear on the side.

How Many VIPs Can You Make On Twitch?

To reward your followers on the channel, you have to fulfill the requirements as a creator. So, once you’ve earned your first 10 twitch VIP badges and accomplished the twitch “Built Community” award, you’re entitled to give these badges to your chosen viewers. So the number of VIPs you make depends upon more unique chatters you have, so more VIP slots you can give away as a streamer.

Tips To Manage The Role Of VIPs?

make someone vip on twitch

Maintaining your VIP status is critical since the creator can always observe what a VIP is doing. So, follow these guidelines if you want to show your support for the streamer.

  • Do not spread hate: Be a good participant for receiving a badge, so be calm and reasonable to others on the stream. Also, stop others from spreading toxicity.
  • Welcome others: Provide the new members with any help or information they need.
  • Be Active: Do not get laid back once you get the badge. Instead, try and engage with other users on the chat.
  • Participate in giveaways: Users who win a badge also participate in or organize various contests and giveaways to stay active on the chat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 Can a Twitch mod make someone VIP?

Ans. A moderator cannot be both a VIP and a mod. Only a channel owner can give VIP badges to subscribers. A VIP badge cannot be customized.

Q.2 How many VIPs can a streamer have?

Ans. A streamer can have up to 100 VIP badges, but to acquire 100 VIP badges, a streamer must have a large community on Twitch.

Q.3 How do you get a blue crown on Twitch?

Ans. A channel owner, mod, or chat moderator cannot award anyone with a Crown as this is a pay-to-use badge. However, the staff will enable it once a streamer subscribes to Prime gaming.

Q.4 What can mods do on Twitch?

Ans. Moderators known as mods keep the conversation clean. They delete any spam and offensive comments from the posts and make sure everyone on the chat follows the rules and standards set by the broadcaster.

Q.5 Do streamers pay their mods?

Ans. Yes, streamers do pay their mods. Mods are paid a flat rate of approximately $50.


In this guide, we have explained how to make someone VIP on Twitch. We’ve also included some pointers for keeping your new role so that the creator doesn’t take away your badge. So use your privileges wisely, and learn how to clip on Twitch to increase stream engagement. Also, find out MODs can add chat comments. 

Do you want to make your VIP channel engaging and unique? Here are some entertaining Twitch banner makers you can use to change the appearance of your profile.