Can You Have Two Snapchat Accounts?

Here's what you need to know if you want a new Snapchat account in 2023

There’s no doubt that Snapchat is one of the most accessible apps to share your everyday snaps with your friends. But you can also use this application to promote your business, and for that, you must know if can you have two Snapchat accounts. 

Unfortunately, There’s no official way to have multiple Snapchat accounts on your phone. However, there are some workaround methods that we have listed for you. Continue reading to find some super easy fixes to your “Can you have two Snapchat accounts?” problem.

Can You Have Multiple Snapchat Accounts?

Can You Have More Than One Snapchat account?

Officially, no! You can have only one private and one business account, which you have to switch between. But just because Snapchat doesn’t let you have multiple handles formally doesn’t mean people haven’t found different ways to get around this problem.

Most of us who sign up using different emails or phone numbers must log out of one Snapchat account and sign in for another, unlike other social media platforms. This can become a tiresome procedure that can simplify our lives.

How To Have 2 Snapchat Accounts On iPhone?

You got the answer. Can you have multiple snapchat accounts? But there are some hacks you can use to learn how to have 2 snapchat accounts on your iPhone. Here are a few workaround methods to make two Snapchat accounts in a minute.

1. Dual App Feature

This is the first thing you can do to find out if can you have more than one Snapchat account. Find if your phone has a “Dual” app/messenger feature.
Some manufacturers make a built-in feature for their smartphones that enables you to run two Snapchat accounts on one phone. You can use multiple Snapchat accounts without downloading a third-party application.

On an Android device

One clear example is Samsung devices. They present a unique feature called the “Dual Messenger” feature. So all you have to do is to enable the dual application system of Snapchat and login into your account.

You see a list of apps you can copy to sign in with a different account. Here, choose the Snapchat app and press the toggle button. Then it will ask you to install the second Snapchat app, and once you do it, you will have two applications on your device. The secondary one is an orange icon containing two circles.

2. Try Third-Party Apps

The next option you can try is cloning apps. Playstore/App store provides many apps that make space for clone apps on your device. Here are the few third-party apps you can use to have more than one Snapchat account.

  • Similar app: This app is popular among tech enthusiasts and Snapchat users. They use this app to have multiple accounts on a single device. To use the Parallel App app, you have to install it on your device. Then, open the app and select the Add button. Go down to find Snapchat and tap on Add. You will see the number “1” on Snapchat, which shows you that it’s another instance of Snapchat. Choose Snapchat and open it parallelly. Now, you have a new Snapchat account, sign in and get going.
  • Super Clone: This app is an excellent choice to quickly switch between two Snapchat instances. As you might understand from its name, this app clones Snapchat and allows a parallel space. Now, you can run two Snapchat apps. Like other app-cloning apps, you must use a different email or phone number to sign in.

Can You Have 2 Snapchat Accounts With The Same Phone Number?

Snapchat enables you to have two Snapchat accounts if one is a business and the other is a personal one. Or you can use two different cellular devices to have two personal Snap accountsAlso, as we mentioned above, you can use cloning apps to use other emails or phone numbers.

But if you have just one mobile device and want to use one phone number, you can not have more than one Snapchat account at a time. This is because Snapchat has a registration process in which the app will prompt you with a verification code to finish the process. So you can’t use one phone number as a valid option to run more than one account.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How To Tell If Someone Has Two Snapchat Accounts?

Follow these super easy steps to learn how to tell if someone has two Snapchat accounts:

  • First, block that particular user on Snapchat – they will not find out.
  • Then, tap on the add friends icon at the top right of the screen.
  • If you have their number saved, they will appear in your “Quick Add,” showing a different username, confirming they have two accounts.

Q2. Can You Have More Than One Snapchat Account With The Same Email?

Unfortunately, Snapchat only allows you to have one account per email. What is this? This is because the email is used as one identifier to help determine which version belongs to who.

Q3. How Many Snapchat Accounts Can You Have On One Device?

If you are wondering how many Snapchat accounts you can have on one device, the answer to the question is 5. However, you can’t use the same email address for all the arrangements. Instead, you have to use another email address or phone number.

Q4. Can You Be Logged In On Multiple Snapchat Accounts At Same Time?

You can log in to up to 5 Snap accounts on your phone with a different email address and phone number. However, if you are using one device to be logged in simultaneously, you can access only two!

Q5. How To Have 2 Snapchat Accounts?

You can easily have two Snapchat handles on your phone with the workaround methods like the dual app feature and the third-party application. You can know about it in detail as we have mentioned above!

Now that you have everything around you, can you have two Snapchat accounts? We’ve covered everything about the restrictions and possibilities of making two Snapchat handles. Every time you want to create a new Snapchat account, istg all you need is a phone number or an email address, and you’re good to go!

After this, if you are wondering how to tell if someone has two Snapchat accounts, you can go to add friends icon and see if their account is there. You can also use the quick add method to know if they have multiple Snapchat accounts.

So, after you have two Snapchat accounts on your phone, if your one account is locked, here is how to unlock your Snapchat account!