What Does Other Snapchatters Mean?

Find out the meaning of other Snapchatters!

If you’re wondering what does other Snapchatters mean, then you aren’t alone! If you are a newbie on Snapchat, you might get lost with slang terms and other features. Also, if you don’t know Snapchatters meaning, then we’re here to tell you!

Snapchatters are those people whom you aren’t friends with!

Whenever you upload a story on Snapchat, you might see a list of your friends’ names that have viewed your Snapchat story, but they fall under other snapchatters. If you still aren’t getting what does other Snapchatters mean, let’s know about it further in detail.

What Does Other Snapchatters Mean On Snapchat?

Other Snapchatters Meaning

Do you frequently upload stories on Snapchat? If you upload stories, do you check who has viewed your story? Along with the list of your friends’ names below, you must have noticed other snapchatters. So what does that mean?

Other Snapchatters are a group of people who do not follow you on Snapchat. It also means a group of people who you haven’t added to your friend list, or they might have removed or blocked you from their friend list.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does Other Snapchatters Mean On Story But Still Friends?

Sometimes friends who have unadded you on Snapchat view your story. Snapchat shows them as other snapchatters in the viewer list.

Now that you know other Snapchatters meaning, you might check if they are still on your friend list. You might still see them on your friend list, but if they are viewing your story, you might not see their name in the list of the people who have viewed your story.

This means they have unadded you as a friend, but you still have them added to your friend list.

How To Find Out If Someone Unadded You On Snapchat?

There are two ways to check if your Snapchat connection has unadded you on the platform:

  1. Firstly, their names won’t appear in the list of your story views.
  2. Secondly, you can text them or send them a snap. If you see the gray arrow or the pending message, then you should know that they have removed you or blocked you.

What Does It Mean When Other Snapchatters View Your Story?

It means the person viewing your story is not added as a friend on your Snapchat account. If you have a public account on Snapchat then anyone on the platform can view your snap story. Viewers can land on your snap story from the snap map or from the explore page when you have a public profile. These people are then labeled as other snapchatters on your story as they are not your Snapchat friends.

Does Other Snapchatters Mean They Unfriended You?

Does Other Snapchatters Mean They Unfriended You

If you see the words other snapchatters, that simply means that they have removed you from their friend list or blocked you. Even if you still have them added to your friend list, you will still see their names on snapchatters list of your story!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Does Other Snapchatters mean they deleted you?

Yes, if they were your friends previously but now appear under the other snapchatters category, that means that they have removed you from their friend list or either blocked you.

Q2. What does it mean when it says other snapchatters but still friends?

If you have removed them from your friend list or vice versa, then they will appear under other snapchatters list. But if your Snpachat account is public, they will be able to view your story; that’s why they are under other snap chatters.

Q3. How to view Other Snapchatters on story?

To view if other snapchatters have viewed your story, you need to upload a story. Then open your story and swipe up to see the list of friends and other snap chatters.

Q4. Why can’t I see other snapchatters who viewed my story?

If you cannot see their name under other snapchatters, then they must have blocked you.

Q5. What does +1 more on other Snapchatters mean?

If you see +1 under other snap chatters, then that means they have blocked you; hence you cannot see their names.


Now that you know what does other Snapchatters mean, you shouldn’t be disheartened when you get to know that they have unfriended you. If you have no clue why they unfriended you or blocked you can ask them the reason. Also, if you’re story is public, then the people who aren’t your friends can also view it; hence they appear in the other snapchatters category.

But do you know that you can block people from watching your story? If they do not want them to watch your story, you must know how to block someone from seeing your Snapchat story.